1. Explain your art medium
I concentrate on two mediums - I take photos and do photomanipulation in Photoshop. I didn´t think about it as two different ways of expresing myself, photos and manipulations are closely connected for me. I do quite a lot post processing in Photoshop on my photos and also take stock photos for my manips.
2. How long have you been doing your medium?
I take photos for three and a half year. I started in my last year of high school when I bought my first compact camera. I didn´t know anything about taking photos because I´ve never visited any art school or classes before.
I´ve always been intrested in finding different ways how to post process these photos to give them specific mood. So the next logical step for me was to try create "pure" photomanipulation. And I have felt in love with this medium since the first time I tried it. I really like the freedom which gives it to you.
3. How did you get in to doing this art?
I started taking photos because some of my friends did it and I just wanted to try it and test if I can be as good as they were.
I tell in previous answer how I started with doing photomanipulation. I remember that it was the examing period in my first university year and it was so boring to learn all that economic stuff. So I was looking for something to clean my brain off suply and demand rules and stuff like this
(Smile) :)](http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/s/smile.gif)
4. How did you get in to doing this art?
On photography I really like the possibility to show ordinary everyday things (such as urban nature) and give them magical feels, sometimes change few trifles and let people wonder that there is such a nice world in their neigbourhood. The only thing they need to do to see it is to look arround and see the everyday beauty which surrounds us.
On photomanipulations I adore the absolute freedom which they give me. I can present some of my vision which will be imposible to shoot with camera, I can show other people my inner world and share with them some of my visions without any limitation.
5. Do you have any tips for people interested in the same art form?
Well, I know that this is quite ordinary advice, but there is a lot of truth in it: "Never stop trying to be better artist. Always look for ways how to improve what you do." I guess it can be applied on everything, not only art
(Smile) :)](http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/s/smile.gif)
To be more specific I would reccomend to read tutorials. I read tons of them.